Saturday, October 20, 2012

Now here's the REAL Christian Charity!

Go read this post on Patheos.  This author has an excellent essay on being a Christian while also being a Democrat.  I really like her points.

To put it simply, I am a Democrat because the Democratic Party is doing more than the Republican Party to care for the “least of these,” however imperfectly. And Jesus made it absolutely clear that caring for the least of these is central to our identity as his followers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

positronic ruminations of a cybernaut indeed...thank you for introducing me to a perfectly wonderful essay on a Christian Democrat..she is telling me that which i feel but do not articulate as well..that was just a first rate essay and i am glad i went to your blog..i go there now consistently because i know i will find something that will stretch my mind in some way...