Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just some thoughts.

Rambling thoughts.

This election season is depressing.  How is it that so many people, middle class to working class, can be so mislead by a small, wealthy clique whose only wish is to accumulate as much of those people's money as possible?  I mean, come on, these people can't be stupid, right?  They hold jobs, they function in society on a daily basis, they've learned to read, write and do arithmetic, or at least they should have.

So why can't they see through the antics of the Republican leadership?  Why can't they see the harm the Republican leadership's policies will do to their own retirements?  How can they defend and solicit the election of men who openly and blatantly push policies that would push UP the taxes for the middle and working classes while lowering their own taxes?


Why is it that the right wing keeps calling Obama a socialist?  Given the narrow right/centrist band of the political conversation in this country, the right wing couldn't see a real socialist with a 5 meter telescope!


Have you ever read anything by David Barton, author of the new and aptly-named book The Jefferson Lies?  The man is a religious apologist who writes supposedly "historical" books purporting to prove that America was founded as a theocracy.  The man is an absolute fool.

Go read Ed Brayton, author of the blog "Dispatches from the Culture Wars", who has written another post slapping Barton upside the head - again.  Go read it, it's good for a few laughs - Barton's stuff, that is.  Ed's is good.


Please, Mitt - PLEASE!  Please pick somebody like that moron in Florida!  (Oh, which one?  Take your pick!)  I could use some laughs this year...


Hear a good one in a comment on FreeThought Blogs today:  "Don't read the lower half of the Internet." - referring to the comment sections on YouTube!


"Ok, so I danced like no one was watching.  My court date is pending..."


If Romney is so proud of what he accomplished at Bain Capital, why doesn't he defend the practices and admit his company engaged in them?


In that same vein, why is it that right wingers so often try to hide the things they want to do behind misleading titles and in the midst of unrelated bills?  Why did they run in 2010 on the mantra "jobs, jobs, jobs" and then turn around and start a war on women's health, abortion and gays?


"If a man talks of his honor, make him pay cash."  Robert Heinlein.

"Never appeal to a man's better nature - he may not have one.  Instead, appeal to his self interest, you'll have more leverage."  Also Robert Heinlein



Anonymous said...

Your obsession with Rebubs being evil and Dems being angels is sickening! You really believe that Dems have your best interest at heart? News flash: They are two in the same flesh! Both recieve BOATLOADS of money from special interest groups and both do the calling of special interest groups. You repeatedly look like a fool when you make it seem like Nancy and Harry care about anything other than their own pocket books and high life. You are right though when you attack Rebubs on the taxes and their own high lives, just stop with the blinders on your own "love affair" side!
As for a war on women, that was fought and won a long time ago, and every woman who HAS to work and be mom is suffering that loss!

Cybernetic Atheist said...

I guess you still aren't reading for comprehension. Yes, I look at the current Republican Party as basically evil. Because they ARE.

What you haven't noticed is that I've not exactly characterized the Democrats as angels. They DO have more values that are similar to mine, but believe me, I've no illusions about their ties to the rich folks that are trying to buy this country.

It's just that fewer of them are falling for it, and the whole Party still shows some measure of giving a shit about middle and working American values. Not completely, but sure as hell more than the Republicans.

I wish the war on women had been won for good a long time ago, but if you've been paying any attention to anything but Fox news, you'd know that Republican legislatures all over the country have been waging a new one on women's health, abortion and children as well ever since the 2010 election! ...and that one's NOT been won by any means.

As for your allegations of loss, wake up. There isn't any loss, but a wider field of choice. Of course, if the rich have their way, women will go back home and the resulting loss of wages for the average American family will put the vast majority of us straight into poverty - and of course, most of our money into their pockets.

There's your loss!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for assuming that Fox is where I get my news! Actually I haven't seen any Fox news in...well...close to forever! I do try to get a broad range from all spectrums! But your MSMBC values are shining through! I will be reading your next blog later and surely responding in full to your "War on Women". I'm sure I will be dutifully amused!

Cybernetic Atheist said...

Well, all I can go on is your comments, and they're straight out of Fox News commentary.

But I am glad you're amused...I'll try to continue to be entertaining. But it would be nice if you'd work on your reading comprehension, It's boring to have to repeat myself when you ignore or misrepresent my positions.