Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Muslims can be horrified, too.

Here's something you rarely see in American media:  a reaction by ordinary muslims to a terrorist attack, especially one on Americans.

This one is in reaction to the attack in Libya, where the American Ambassador was killed.  As I noted in an earlier post, this man was not only respected by Libyans for what he did for them, but he was loved for it.  He exemplified to them what a good man should be.

From the Celebrate Mercy Website:
Chris Stevens, the United States Ambassador to Libya, was wrongfully killed on September 11, 2012. His killers were extremists who were angered by an obscure film that aims to insult the Prophet Muhammad's character. By killing an innocent man who had nothing to do with this film, they did more to offend the Prophet Muhammad than this film could have ever done. Their actions go against the mercy, love, patience, and justice he embodied on a daily basis.
Go read the article on the Huffington Post's website.  It will open your eyes and encourage you in the goodness of people everywhere.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the MercyMail campaign Robert. It means alot.

Ibrahim Farooqui
CM Volunteer

Cybernetic Atheist said...

You're welcome, my friend. It was my pleasure, believe me.

Anonymous said...

Yay - thank you for your sweet email. - Hanna - cm volunteer. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks...much needed effort for the betterment of society in our country.

Anonymous said...

Thank you dear Robert for support!

CM volunteer

Anonymous said...

Zahir Ramadan is my name.

Cybernetic Atheist said...

You are all welcome. I appreciate the comments!

I would ask, though, if your website takes on any other similar causes, you would be so kind as to let me know, I'll be glad to publish that information here and on my Facebook page!

This kind of activity by the muslim people is important and if known by the American people, appreciated. Plus, the publicity will go a long way towards countering the Republican's mean spirited attacks on you and your fellow muslims.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for spreading good brother!